Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Road Trip Wednesday #168: What Do You Love About Writing?

What do I love about writing?

The power.

It's really as simple as that.  When I'm writing I have complete control - over the world, the events, the characters' destinies, and I can create a world that is thrilling and wild and absurd and beautiful if I want.  And I can live there.  Maybe it's only for an hour at a time, but I can live and feel and experience so many things, just by using my brain.

And it's not just the power over myself and my characters, but the power over my readers.  This isn't a vicious, vindictive sort of power, it's just love.  I want to take them and shake them up and make them laugh and make them feel, and then, in the end, make them feel satisfied, whether it's a happy satisfied or a sad one.

So, yeah, if I didn't have writing I'd probably be a megalomaniac of some kind.  :D


  1. When it comes to writing fiction, I agree, Cara. That sense of control (at least to some extent!), and the thought that you can craft your world and your characters just as you imagine them, is exciting. :)

  2. I'm glad you're a writer, haha! I never really thought of writing as power, but it is in a way. You have control over the story, obviously, but you also have some control over how the readers should react, how they should feel when they've completed your story.

  3. That's one of the funnest things about writing a first draft- you have complete control over everything. You can make the world and the characters exactly how you want. Unfortunately, you've gotta relinquish some of that control once you've had CP's or betas read it.

  4. I completely agree with you! I feel excited and nervous about the power writing has and the power it has to touch someone's life.

  5. This is so true. :) Though, sometimes I feel like my characters have the reins and I'm just following them and writing it all down!

  6. Sometimes I feel like I have no power at all when I'm writing, but then other times...

    It is pretty thrilling to create new worlds and people.

  7. I guess deciding how everything will turn out in the end is a sort of power, especially seeing as we often have little or no control over that in real life. Interesting answer!
