My rating: 4 of 5 stars
You know, one of the reasons I have a hard time with YA contemporary novels, (and paranormal romance), is that I can't find anything in the characters to relate to. The first one I read where I didn't entirely feel that way was Dairy Queen, since I got the sports, I got the working hard. But this book is the first one where it was like, "oh, you got it right. You got me right." And maybe none of the 'events' ever happened to me, In HS i never had a friend die, never got a girlfriend, never went on a cross-country bike trip. But the little things did. Spend too long in the basement working on sets? Check. Never quite got how gender identity was supposed to work? Check. Produced horrific productions with friends? Check. Mathletics? Plead the 5th. Spent so much time doubting that I actually had real friends that by the time I worked it out I had already left?
So in the much maligned (by me) genre of YA contemps, this book finally did all the things it was supposed to do. I'm never going to love the genre. HS and MS are not really times I'm desperate to revisit. But thank god there's finally a book that REPRESENTS! Thanks Emily Horner. I owe you one.
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